蜗牛的房子遗失在了一棵树的某个叶子结点上,它要从根结点出发开始寻找它的房子。有一些中间结点可能会住着一些虫子,这些虫子会告诉蜗牛它的房子是否在以这个中间结点为根的子树上,这样蜗牛就不用白跑路了。当然,如果有些结点没有住着虫子的话,那么可怜的蜗牛只有靠自己决定访问顺序来探索了。假设蜗牛走过一条边的耗费都是1,且房子遗失在每个叶子结点的概率都是相等的,那么请问蜗牛找到他的房子的最小数学期望值? 我们约定,树上的结点数n最多为1000,每个结点的分叉数k最多为8。 例如在下面的这棵树当中:![](images/1865.jpg)
The input contains several sets of test data. Each set begins with a line containing one integer N, no more than 1000, which indicates the number of key points in the tree. Then follow N lines describing the N key points. For convenience, we number all the key points from 1 to N. The key point numbered with 1 is always the first fork of the tree. Other numbers may be any key points in the tree except the first fork. The i-th line in these N lines describes the key point with number i. Each line consists of one integer and one uppercase character 'Y' or 'N' separated by a single space, which represents the number of the previous key point and whether there lives a worm ('Y' means lives and 'N' means not). The previous key point means the neighboring key point in the shortest path between this key point and the key point numbered 1. In the above illustration, the previous key point of point 2 or 3 is point 1, while the previous key point of point 4 or 5 is point 3. This integer is -1 for the key point 1, means it has no previous key point. You can assume a fork has at most eight branches. The first set in the sample input describes the above illustration. A test case of N = 0 indicates the end of input, and should not be processed.Output
Output one line for each set of input data. The line contains one float number with exactly four digits after the decimal point, which is the mathematical expectation value.Sample Input
5-1 N
1 N
1 Y
3 N
3 N
-1 N
1 Y
1 N
2 N
2 N
2 N
3 N
3 Y
8 N
8 N
-1 N
1 N
1 Y
1 N
3 N
3 N
Sample Output